Tuesday, October 18, 2016

A Guide for Parents and Teachers to Develop Social Skills in Preschool Kids -2

In this second part of the blog “A Guide for Parents and Teachers to Develop Social Skills inPreschool Kids”, we are going to highlight some more tips for the development of social skills in kids.

Display Warm and Positive Emotions At Home 
Setbacks and troubles are bound to happen. Therefore, parents cannot always remain in the state of cheer. A trouble can be an opportunity for kids as they can learn to deal with disappointment. However, your attitude should be positive. Do not show signs of despair or anger. It has been shown in researches and it is natural also, when parents, mothers in particular, suffer, kids are also likely to suffer. When kids are experiencing positive emotions at home, they are likely to develop more preschool social skills.

Talk About Your Kid’s Social World

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Talk with them about their classmates and teachers. Be a good conversationalist and discuss everyday events. In this way, you can know what is going on in the life of the kid. This shows that you are interested and really care about the social life of your child. Kids who talk a lot about their peers also show an ability to develop better social skills.

Encourage Problem Solving Attitude

Kids can have social problems with their peers. You should encourage a constructive and positive attitude in them. You should tell your kids that rebuffs and rejection is a part of life. Kids having strong social skills see rebuffs as temporary setbacks that can be easily improved. Also encourage them to see things from other’s perspectives. This will help them in understanding what other kids feel. Kids having the understanding of other’s perspective have strong social skills. This makes them more responsive and they learn how to mesh their behavior with their playmates’ behaviors.

Be Supportive and Stay Calm When Your Kid Is Upset

Respond in a soothing way when your kids are upset. When parents are supportive to kids, kids are likely to be supportive to their playmates. They learn how to act and deal with someone who is in distress. They respond appropriately and positively according to the emotional needs of others. Such kids are socially competent.

Don’t Dismiss Negative Emotions of Kids

Nurseries in DubaiWhen a kid is crying, do not simply tell him to quiet. Take some time and talk about what he feels. By doing this you can make him more socially competent, self-controlled and reflective. This is the age when they need emotional coaching. Therefore, do not dismiss their feelings.

Both parents and teachers have to play a key role in social skill development of a child. Therefore, apart from doing efforts at home, parents should search and compare best schools in UAE. It is important for parents to make sure that teachers are also playing their part. Therefore, send your kids to a reputed school in the country.

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